High Intensive Frequency Ultrasound

What is HIFU?
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a global skin rejuvenation treatment.

HIFU has a lot of advantages over conventional treatments. Here, we list some of the most prominent advantages:
⦁ Significant reduction in visible signs of fine lines and deep wrinkles
⦁ Lifts and tightens the skin
⦁ Consistency in skin tone
⦁ Skin elasticity is vastly noticeable
⦁ Reduction in under-eye dark circles
⦁ Works effectively in removing post-pregnancy stretch marks
⦁ Large pores are eliminated with ease
⦁ Improves facial shape and jawline
⦁ Effective cure for acne, pimples and blemishes
⦁ No anesthesia required
⦁ Swift visible results
⦁ Relatively painless procedure
⦁ Can be used on all types of skin complexions


HIFU is not Fat reducion treatment, HIFu can burn a bit of your fat but not all Each session of HIFU therapy is effective in reducing 10%. HIFu can treat double chin reduction by tight you're under chin saggy, not fat. Result is variable in each client depends on skin condition. 

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) uses safe, time-tested ultrasound energy to lift and tighten the skin naturally— without surgery, needles or downtime.
How to prepare for your HIFU treatment
Stop any medications that thin your blood, as bruising is possible. If you are unsure about whether your medications are blood thinners, please review this with your GP prior to your treatment. Over the counter medications like aspirin, daily large dose anti-inflammatories and fish oil supplements may also exacerbate bruising and should be discontinued.
We highly recommend starting arnica, an oral homeopathic supplement which has been shown to reduce bruising and swelling. You should start 3-5 days prior to the procedure and continue for up to a week if you do experience bruising. Arnica is available at most health food stores. The recommended dose is three sublingual capsules three times daily.
Treatment day
⦁ Wear comfortable, loose clothing to your appointment.
⦁ Prior to your treatment photography, will be taken for comparison on your follow up.
⦁ Thirty minutes prior to your treatment we recommend that you take 800 mg of ibuprofen or Paracetamol for pain relief during the session. A single dose like this will not exacerbate your bruising.
During your treatment a variety of ultrasound transducers (the hand piece which delivers the ultrasound energy) may be used. Each transducer treats different tissue depths, from deep to shallow.
The deep transducer is usually applied first, and you will feel more sensation than the shallower transducers. The sensation can be likened to a prickling mild electric pulse – that dissipate immediately. Most clients find the sensation unpleasant but tolerable. There are many adjustments which can be made through the treatment if you find yourself sensitive. Please let your provider know how you are feeling so we can make those adjustments as necessary.
Some clients experience a toothache type discomfort for several minutes after an area has been treated. The ibuprofen which you take prior to the session will help considerably.
Immediately after the procedure the treated area may look slightly pink like you have had a facial. Rarely, some spots of bruising may be already visible, but typically bruising is not evident until 2-5 days after the session.
To minimise risk of bruising we will give you ice packs and recommend icing and holding pressure on your cheeks and jawline for about 10 minutes after the session.
If your forehead was treated you may have a mild headache, stinging, or hair pulling sensation in your scalp following the treatment. When this occurs it usually last less than 24 hours but on rare occasions can continue to be sporadically bothersome for up to a week.
You may immediately apply makeup following the treatment and there are no post-procedure limitations on activity.

You can expect none or some of the following symptoms immediately after the procedure. These symptoms may persist for up to four weeks. Most clients have very mild symptoms but, as with any intensive procedure, each client experiences it uniquely.
Symptoms always subside over time. There have been no reports of long-lasting complications. The treated area may be slightly pink for up to a few hours.
Bruising, swelling and tenderness can occur in the treated area. Bruising may not be evident for several days following the treatment and often is greenish in colour by the time it becomes visible. Most common areas for bruising are along the jawline and cheekbone.
Even without bruising, tenderness to the touch is expected. This is usually most evident along the jawline and cheekbone and most often noted when touching your face, washing or applying makeup. This will not interfere with eating, talking or moving your facial muscles.
Irritation of peripheral sensory or motor nerves is uncommon but can happen. This can result in temporary patches of decreased sensation or some weakness of facial muscles (usually the muscle which pulls the corner of the mouth downward). When this occurs, it is always temporary and usually resolves within three weeks.
With the exception of possible bruising there is no downtime after your treatment. You will be able to return to your normal daily routine and exercise program immediately after the procedure.
When do I expect to see results?
There are two phases of correction after HIFU. The first is collagen contracture, which literally is occurring as we perform the procedure. As a result, many patients will appreciate a subtle, but distinct, improvement in their appearance within a few days following the treatment. Ultimately the more impressive correction is from collagen stimulation. Your body responds to the pinpoint thermal injuries placed in the deep tissue by creating new collagen fibres. Collagen fibre formation can take several months, so the final results from HIFU may take up to 6 months.
How do I maximise my treatment results?
Avoid the routine use of anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, naproxen and Celebrex for one month. The inflammatory response in your tissue from HIFU works in a positive way to stimulate collagen fibre formation and remodelling.
If you are not already on a prescribed skin care program, you may want to discuss this with your therapist at the time of your treatment. Topical prescription skin products can help to stimulate collagen fibre formation through direct action with growth factors and through exfoliation to resurface skin. Professional skin care combined with treatments like HIFU can maximise the results you obtain and help to maintain the results.
Schedule a follow-up medical assessment to review your clinical results and discuss the option of additional treatments to achieve desired outcome for this treatment site and other treatment sites.
Small and affordable follow up HIFU sessions in targeted areas which need the most work can be very powerful to obtain the best result depending upon the degree of laxity prior to treatment.
How do I maintain the result of my HIFU treatment?
Topically applied professional skin care products are the number one way to enhance the result, as well as the duration, of a HIFU treatment. If you haven’t already discussed this with your therapist, we are happy to develop a customised plan for your skin type at the time of your HIFU treatment.
The new collagen fibres which are formed as a result of the HIFU have a life span of 5+ years, however an optimal interval for retreatment will be sooner than that. Depending upon the severity of tissue laxity and your age, follow up treatment intervals will vary but there are two ways to approach maintenance – more frequent small touch ups and less frequent full treatments.
More frequent small touch up treatments are the best approach for achieving continued, ongoing collagen stimulus as well as cost affordability. Follow up HIFU sessions are charged by the energy usage and therefore can be adapted to fit into most clients’ budgets. Frequency of touch ups will again vary but may be every 4-12 months depending upon the individual’s particular needs.
Less frequent full treatments are an alternative. Recommendations for this approach would be every 1.5 to 2 years depending upon need.
Skin is affected by:
• Age
• Hormones
• Weather
• Central heating
• Wrong products used
• Prolonged illness
• Medication or drugs
• Poor nutrition
• Smoking and alcohol intake
• Allergies
• Stress

⦁ Open wounds or lesions on the face and/or neck
⦁ Severe or cystic acne on the face and/or neck
⦁ Pacemakers and electronic device implants in treated area
⦁ Heart Conditions
⦁ An active systemic or local skin disease that may alter wound healing
⦁ Herpes
⦁ Autoimmune disease
⦁ Diabetes
⦁ Epilepsy
⦁ Bell’s palsy

Side Effects Of A HIFU Facial
• Pain. Ultrasonic therapy is usually painless, with users reporting a slight tingling sensation or warmth on the skin. …
• Blotchy skin. This was the most common side effect reported by patients during a study researching the effectiveness of HIFU. …
• Swelling. …
• Numbness. …
• Hyper-pigmentation. …
• The absence of effect
Ultrasonic therapy is usually painless, with users reporting a slight tingling sensation or warmth on the skin. However, there can be a sensation of pin pricks and heat, this is only felt during the treatment and does not continue when the client leaves. Some clients do feel uncomfortable, although this passes as the treatment goes on and you see your amazing results at the end. An experienced aesthetic professional can administer a numbing cream or oral medication, if the pain becomes too intense, however, this is very rare and most clients do not require this.
Blotchy skin
This was the most common side effect reported by patients during a study researching the effectiveness of HIFU. Treated areas can become red and blotchy, particularly if your skin is sensitive and prone to redness. This side effect is not permanent, usually going away a few hours after the treatment. RT Aesthetics do provide creams to settle this at the end of treatment and always have some to take home if required.
Bloated and swollen skin are rare side effects of a HIFU facial, but because each person’s skin is different it’s possible for swelling to occur. The swelling usually disappears after a few days, then you can fully appreciate the age-rewinding benefits of your ultrasound facial. RT Aesthetics will ensure that your fully aware of all the benefits and side effects during your consultation.
The sound waves emitted during the HIFU procedure penetrate the very deepest layers of skin in order to eradicate even the most deep-set wrinkles. The technology is unique in its ability to penetrate the dermis and the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) layer, which is deeper than all other non-invasive treatments. SMAS is the same layer which is tightening during conventional surgery, however, unlike surgery, HIFU is more affordable and requires no time off work. As HIFU penetrate the very deepest layers, occasionally this can cause some minor damage which can lead to feelings of numbness.
The tingling sensation occurs most commonly in delicate areas, like the eyes and lips. Those who reported feelings of numbness that this symptom resolved itself within two weeks, without the need for medication or medical intervention. Please note that these side effects are rare and will be fully explained to you during your consultation. At RT Aesthetics client safety is our main priority, therefore we will ensure that clients suffer from as little side effects as possible, although like any cosmetic procedure there are side effects.
While rare, this is a side effect that is potentially permanent. This can cause the skin to change colour and become darker. This is a side effect that can be caused by the heat emitting ultrasound device that can reach temperatures of up to 45 – 65 degrees celsius. This side effect has not occurred at RT Aesthetics before, we ensure that every client has a patch test and ensure that everything is fully explained and understood during the consultation. Our aesthetic practitioners are trained to the highest standard and go through strict processes, after all, client safety is our main priority.
The absence of effect
Those who have undergone a HIFU treatment sometimes experience no visible benefit or adverse effects of the ultrasound treatment. While it’s great that their skin is not damaged, it’s not beneficial for those who hoped to have wrinkle free and tighter skin. In 10% of cases, users see no difference in the appearance of their skin and neck, as results vary from patient to patient, occasionally the collagen building on the inside that helps counter the effects of gravity does not always have a visible effect on the outside.

Every facial therapy is accompanied by some potentially adverse side effects. However, a HIFU facial treatment is an FDA approved method of facial tightening and defining. Permanent side effects are rare and minor side effects are relatively infrequent and tend to disappear within a week or two. If you are willing to risk the potential side effects of the treatment, then HIFU might be the ideal facial for you.


Please make sure to book for your free consultation to have full understanding and picture of your expectations before book any HIFU treatment.

Our Services

Customized for Your Skin Type:

At La Bises, we believe in a personalized approach to skincare. Our experts will assess your skin condition and recommend the right type of chemical peel for you. Whether you're looking for a light, medium, or deep peel, we ensure that the treatment is tailored to meet your specific needs and deliver lasting results.

Why Choose La Bises?

At La Bises Beauty Clinic, we prioritize your skin’s health and safety. Our experienced professionals use high-quality, medical-grade chemical peel solutions that are safe and effective. With our expertise and personalized care, you can trust us to help you achieve glowing, youthful skin.

Optimize Your Results with LED Light Therapy at Las Bises Beauty!

To achieve the best results for your skin, we recommend combining LED light therapy with our range of specialized facial treatments. Each service is designed to enhance your skin’s health and radiance:

Collapsible content

Basic Facial and Luxury Facial

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Korean Glow Facial

Deep Cleaning Facial

Acne Extraction

Pore-Perfect Refinement Facial

Viva La Skin

Chemical Peel

Hydra-Lips Treatment



Fractional C02 Laser

Fractional CO2 Laser: Advanced Skin Rejuvenation at La Bises Beauty**

The Fractional CO2 Laser is a cutting-edge cosmetic technology designed to treat a wide range of skin concerns including wrinkles, scars, dark spots, freckles, loose skin, and pigmentation problems. By using a precise CO2 laser, this treatment erases old skin cells while stimulating new cell growth, improving skin elasticity, smoothness, and giving a brighter, more youthful appearance.

Key Benefits of Fractional CO2 Laser
- Wrinkle and Fine Line Reduction: Effectively treats wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, and cheeks, leaving the skin firmer and smoother.
- Scar Treatment: Reduces the appearance of pitted scars caused by acne, surgery, burns, and other concave scars.
- Dark Spot Removal: Targets hyperpigmentation, dark spots, and uneven skin tone for a more even complexion.
- Collagen Stimulation: Restructures and brightens the skin by boosting collagen production, essential for a youthful glow.
- Large Pore and Sebum Control: Shrinks large pores and controls sebum production for a clearer, refined texture.
- Postpartum and Genetic Stretch Marks: Treats stretch marks and improves skin elasticity, whether hormonal, genetic, or postpartum-related.
- Rejuvenation: Specialized treatments for intimate areas, including shrinking and brightening, as well as enhancing the appearance of pink lips and nipples.
- Rough and Textured Skin: Improves skin with an “orange peel” texture, making it smoother and more supple.

Cutting-Edge Technology
The Fractional CO2 Laser System features advanced technology that allows for tailored treatments specific to each patient's needs. The machine provides customizable settings, including:
- Focused Laser: A highly concentrated laser that destroys damaged skin cells while stimulating collagen production to reveal new skin.
- **Adjustable Density and Spot Size**: The laser density and spot size can be modified to target different skin areas, offering flexibility in treating both larger and more delicate regions.
- **Depth Customization**: Treatment depth can be adjusted to cater to different skin types and concerns, ensuring precision for each patient.
- **Pulse Timing**: The machine is designed to allow rest time between laser pulses, reducing pain and speeding up recovery time.

### Specifications of the Fractional CO2 Laser System
- **Wavelength**: 10.64 micrometers
- **Laser Power**: 40W
- **Spot Size**: 100 micrometers to 2mm
- **Dot Density**: 200 dots per square inch
- **Laser Pulse Time**: 0.1 to 1 second
- **Treatment Depth**: 0.1 to 2mm

### Special Combination with PRP Technology
For enhanced results, the Fractional CO2 Laser can be perfectly combined with PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy. This combination accelerates healing, enhances skin regeneration, and boosts overall treatment efficacy.

### Post-Treatment Care
After undergoing Fractional CO2 Laser treatment, proper aftercare is crucial to ensure optimal results:
- **Initial Reactions**: A mild burning sensation may occur immediately after the procedure. By day two, the treated skin will begin to scab. Avoid peeling or rubbing the skin; let the old layers naturally shed to reveal new skin.
- **Managing Swelling and Itchiness**: Applying ice during the first 24-48 hours can reduce swelling and itchiness. Itching is normal as the skin regenerates.
- **Gentle Skin Care**: Cleanse treated areas with salt water and apply ointments or moisturizers to soften the scaly skin. Avoid harsh cleansers and opt for gentle, moisturizing products twice daily.
- **Limit Activities**: Refrain from swimming, strenuous outdoor activities, and heavy exercise to prevent infection during recovery.
- **Sun Protection**: Use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, reapplying every 2 hours when outdoors, to protect sensitive skin from UV damage.
- **Consult Your Expert**: Follow expert guidance on the use of cleansers, moisturizers, and any prescribed products.

### Recovery Time and Skin Care
Depending on the treated area, full recovery typically takes between 10 to 21 days. Once the skin heals, oil-free makeup can be applied to reduce redness. Continue moisturizing regularly for 2-4 weeks and protect your skin from the sun during this period.

At **La Bises Beauty**, we offer tailored post-care recommendations and professional advice to help you maintain and enhance your results following the Fractional CO2 Laser treatment.

Ready to rejuvenate your skin? **Book your consultation** with La Bises Beauty today and experience the transformative benefits of **Fractional CO2 Laser**!

LED Light Therapy


Picoseconds Laser

  • Hair Therapy and Massage

    We offer the innovative Viva Hair Therapy, featuring a Hair Relaxation Destress service. This treatment combines hair washing with a soothing shoulder massage on a special shampoo bed, promoting relaxation and nourishing hair roots for improved growth. Enhanced with essential oils, it conditions the scalp and protects hair from environmental stressors.

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  • Teeth Whitening

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  • Hair Removal by Laser and Waxing

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  • Eyelashes Extension

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  • Nails Service

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Membership Unlimited Monthly Pass

The Membership Monthly Pass offers flexibility to mix and match treatments for comprehensive skincare

  • 880 - SALE 580

    Green Pass (Skin Treatment)

    The Membership Monthly Green Pass provides Unlimited access to a variety of treatments, including:

    • Basic Facial

    • Mini Pore Perfect Refinement Facial

    • Essential Pore Perfect Refinement Facial

    • Deep Clean Facial

    • Dermaplaning

    • Acne Extraction

  • 980 - SALE SALE 880

    Deluxe Green Pass (Skin Treatment)

    Indulge in monthly luxury skincare with our Deluxe Green Pass. This pass includes everything in the Green Pass, plus additional advanced treatments designed to deeply hydrate, rejuvenate, and enhance your skin’s natural radiance. Perfect for achieving a glowing, youthful complexion.

    • Services in Green Pass and

    • Luxury Facial

    • Luxury Pore Perfect Refinement Facial

    • Korean Glow Facial

    • Viva La Skin

    • Hydra-Lips Treatment

    • Hydra-dermabrassion

    • Back Treatment (Ance Treatment)

  • 1250- SALE 1050

    Radiance Plus Pass (Skin Treatment) UNLIMTED 3 MONTHS

    Achieve flawless, radiant skin with our Radiance Plus Pass. This monthly pass offers advanced treatments designed to deeply rejuvenate, hydrate, and revitalize your skin for a youthful, glowing complexion.

    • Chemical Peel

    • Micro-Needling

    • Mesotherapy

    • Eye-treatment

    • Bises-Max Collagen

    • Bises-Max Hydration

    • Bises-Max-Snow White

    • DNA- MAXMESO (DNA Skin Booster)

  • 990- SALE 680

    Premium Calm Pass (Viva Hair and Massage)

    Relax and rejuvenate with our Premium Calm Pass, designed to melt away stress and enhance your well-being. This pass includes a combination of soothing treatments for both hair and body, offering deep relaxation and renewal. Choose from a range of calming options or enjoy the full experience for a complete reset

    • Yoga Facial

    • Viva La Hair Therapy

    • Foot Massage

    • Mini Back Massage

  • 1150 SALE 990

    Blissful Calm Pass (Viva Hair and Massage)

    This pass includes everything in the Premium Calm Pass, plus additional advanced treatments:

    • Deluxe Viva La Hair Therapy

    • Spa Foot Massage

    • La Bises Reflexology

    • Mini Body Massage 45 minutes

  • 1550 SALE 1250

    Gold Bliss Calm Pass (Viva Hair and Massage)

    This pass includes everything in the Blissful Calm Pass, plus additional advanced treatments:

    • Full Body Massage 60 Minutes

    • Mini Body Hot Stone Massage

    • Himalaya Salt Stone Massage 1 Hour

  • 2350 SALE 1950

    Gold Pass (All Services)

    Unlimited visit all service at La Bises.

    Experience the ultimate in beauty and wellness with our Gold Pass, offering unlimited visits to all services at La Bises. Enjoy the freedom to pamper yourself with a wide range of treatments whenever you desire, ensuring your beauty and relaxation needs are always met.